Control your shock!
Yes, I am actually updating. Between traveling for New Year's and then a wicked bout of stomach flu, this "World" has been sadly dormant. I'll do better, I promise.
Wee lady was 6 months old yesterday -- how time flies! She's rolling around like a trooper, chewing on everything in sight (I think a tooth will soon emerge) and she is officially the Baldest Lang Baby by a long shot. (Although those of you who saw my first two babies know that that is not a difficult feat!)

Six Months Old!
Wee lady was 6 months old yesterday -- how time flies! She's rolling around like a trooper, chewing on everything in sight (I think a tooth will soon emerge) and she is officially the Baldest Lang Baby by a long shot. (Although those of you who saw my first two babies know that that is not a difficult feat!)

Six Months Old!

She's so adorable! Six months old already! I can't believe it.
Maybe she'll be blonde? Blondes seem to have less hair as babies.
What a sweet picture!
Bald and cute!!!! (I was bald for so long that my dad actually thought I was never going to get hair. And then when it came in all massive and curly, I'm sure my parents were like "damn. bald was better.") :)
Great photo, great baby! :)
She is adorable!! Happy half a year, sweet girl!!
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