An Art Form taken a Wee Bit Too Far.

Altered Food.

Artists will alter anything these days, or so it seems. If it doesn't move, they'll distress, ink, emboss, and decoupage it within an inch of its life. I'm more of a minimalist, myself, and so haven't delved in the hard core side of altering stuff...but it appears that my three and a half year old daughter has no such qualms. I noticed today that she had carefully arranged her popcorn and pretzels, adorning each bite-sized snack with a Princess sticker. You have to admit, the kid's got style.
Bwa-ha-ha! (Hey, ya gotta use those stickers for something, right?
LOVE IT!!!! Definitely an artist in the making!
Once again, I have been alter-lifted without the proper credit. You are so going to be sewed.
Bwa-ha-ha. Love it.
That's my girl! Yes, she has style and more. Give her a hug for me. This food looks delightful.
snort! Kids are always have such a fresh take on life and how it should be.
Tee hee!
I thought they were cookies at first!
Love her style! :) She's the cutest!
that is too funny.
but funny.
LOL!!! She is creative for sure :)
Bwahaha! Hilarious!
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