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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Ten Things I love about Life

Across the American South, people are suffering terribly today, as they have been for the past week. Thanks to my friend Kelly Edgerton for this week's "Inspired by" challenge -- Ten things for which I'm grateful.

1) My beautiful children -- their gorgeous smiles, their sweet souls -- when they look at me with those loving eyes, I am awed that I could be worthy of the responsibility....

2) My imagination -- there is nothing that I love so much as time, pure, silent, uninterrupted time to wander aimlessly in my own thoughts.

3) Music -- My life has a soundtrack, and every note reminds me of a special time, a special place.

4) A young life lived in adventure and travel -- sure, I'm a bit homebound with wee kidlets these days, but I never feel too trapped when I can look back on all the years I spent living in places so fantastic that people will save their whole lives just to see.......

5) Creativity -- there is no greater high than the act of creation. I totally recomend Walking on Water by Madeleine L'Engle for some fabulous discussion about how we become closer to our Creator by exploring our own Creativity.......

6) Laughter -- I cannot fathom a day without one good laugh. Even our bitterest moments are absurd and wonderful and funny...without humor, all is hollow.

7) Lobster -- Real fresh Maine lobs with lots and lots of butter. My mouth waters just thinking about it......

8) Jane Austen -- Things haven't changed very much in two hundred years, have they?

9) Smells -- The only thing that can evoke more memories than music is scent....Cinnamon, cedar, tomatoes, almonds, baby skin..........

10) The basics: Warmth, food, water, a roof over my head, safety and a healthy family. These days, such things can not be taken for granted.......


Blogger May said...

What a great list. I am right there with you. LOVE Jane Austen, love lobster... my mouth is watering. =)

12:40 AM  
Blogger Mimi said...

What a great list! Creativity - what a neat thing to list!

2:11 PM  

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