Yeah, Yeah....Happy Birthday, America. Where's my kid?

Still Waiting.....I'm ready, Baby...Ready and Waiting......
Tripod and camera are obviously working....How mockable will I be when I arrive at the Hospital with two bags, one with clothes for me and the baby and one with two cameras (one digital, one with professional B&W film), a full-size tripod, a laptop, and a large black felt backdrop? Scrapbook nerd!

LOL :) You are so cute!!
I like the way you think!1 You look adorable!! I wish I looked that good back in the day when I was having babies!! Hugs Wanda
You are SO CUTE!!!!! Love the haircut, too!
Can't wait for that little baby to show up--looking forward to the photos!
You look great...can't wait for news of the little one's arrival and for those pictures!
You look great! I think it's cool to bring all your camera equipment! :) Best wishes!!!
You look so great! And, photographing the birth is so awesome (I've seen some incredible photos, unfortunately, we didn't get any of them!)
Great haircut too!
you are too cute!1
got my pk today ;)
pda typing gluestick lisa
Too cute! Both the hair do and the dress!!!
Hoping you are delivered soon.
Prayers and positive thoughts
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