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Monday, April 18, 2005

Magazine Discoveries....

Recent journeys into various bookstores have only served to add to my magazine pile....I must be an enabler and share the wealth of time-sucking fascination: (and, I apologize for the fact that I cannot figure out how to make a direct link appear....I need some Madder Skillz, homefries.)

First, for cool modern graphic design inspiration try CMYK magazine...... Very, very cool...Totally not worth ripping out the inspiring pages, you'll want them all....

Then, for the hipster punk rock groovin mommas like me (or like I'd like to THINK is like me...) Try Violet magazine. (Sorry, no subscription link, but check out their website for more info...) Very, very cool stuff.....

Finally, with mad props to a certain Mojito-lovin Lime Queen, I must sent everyone off to subscribe to Ready Made. It totally's like Martha Stewart for folk who seek to display not Drabware platters, but rather a formidable collection of Chuck Taylors.

Happy reading!


Blogger Plateau Princess said...

By a direct link, do you mean words that are clickable? There should be a hyperlink icon on your create/edit window--highlight the words, click on the icon, enter the url, and *voila*.. :) ..if that wasn't what you meant, please do ignore me.. ;)

3:50 AM  
Blogger Elaine said...

That IS what I meant, Shannon....and I did it, too....but then....nothing appears in my final post....Not quite sure what I'm doing wrong....I'll have to try again...

9:52 AM  
Blogger Plateau Princess said...

That is just too odd.. :p you have the option of editing HTML when editing or creating your posts? If so, this is what the code should look like (but you'll need to change the {} to the appropriate < symbols):

{a href="">Scrapping CG-Style{/a}

11:23 AM  
Blogger Elaine said...

In case anyone was wondering what my problem was...I wasn't highlighting text before clicking on the link button. Duuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh.

10:34 PM  

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