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Saturday, May 07, 2005


Oh, It's Saturday. Night. Oops. I'm computer impaired for a few days, so I can only post a link rather than an image.....

Click HERE to see my adorable new laptop case.....It fits my laptop perfectly..but no more....which means that I have a power cord, optical mouse, USB memory driver, and S/D Card reader which are in need of a coordinating carrying case all their own......

Nonetheless, my bag is cute. Very, very cute. Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to create something, ANYTHING, inspired by my sassy laptop bag. Post a link in the comments section...I'd love to see what you come up with.

In looking at this blog entry, I can see how I was inspired....all those polka dots FORCED me to be a total elipsis abuser. Sorry.

And, Happy National Scrapbook Day! Hug a Scrapbooker, or buy her a present. A cute Laptop accessory bag would be nice..........


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too funny! I just bought that same laptop bag a couple of weeks ago! It is a tight fit, but it's so cute it's worth the trouble! :-)

12:48 AM  

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