Across the American South, people are suffering terribly today, as they have been for the past week. Thanks to my friend
Kelly Edgerton for this week's "Inspired by" challenge -- Ten things for which I'm grateful.
1) My beautiful children -- their gorgeous smiles, their sweet souls -- when they look at me with those loving eyes, I am awed that I could be worthy of the responsibility....
2) My imagination -- there is nothing that I love so much as time, pure, silent, uninterrupted time to wander aimlessly in my own thoughts.
3) Music -- My life has a soundtrack, and every note reminds me of a special time, a special place.
4) A young life lived in adventure and travel -- sure, I'm a bit homebound with wee kidlets these days, but I never feel too trapped when I can look back on all the years I spent living in places so fantastic that people will save their whole lives just to see.......
5) Creativity -- there is no greater high than the act of creation. I totally recomend
Walking on Water by Madeleine L'Engle 
for some fabulous discussion about how we become closer to our Creator by exploring our own Creativity.......
6) Laughter -- I cannot fathom a day without one good laugh. Even our bitterest moments are absurd and wonderful and funny...without humor, all is hollow.
7) Lobster -- Real fresh Maine lobs with lots and lots of butter. My mouth waters just thinking about it......
8) Jane Austen -- Things haven't changed very much in two hundred years, have they?
9) Smells -- The only thing that can evoke more memories than music is scent....Cinnamon, cedar, tomatoes, almonds, baby skin..........
10) The basics: Warmth, food, water, a roof over my head, safety and a healthy family. These days, such things can not be taken for granted.......