Inspired by....Art Journals

Nobody who knows me in real life would believe that I can be a wee bit anal about things. Obviously, my fussiness does not extend to the piles of STUFF that surround me at my desk, nor to the large-fanged dust bunnies that lurk in every corner of my house. And as for the "Inspired by Monday" feature's appearance on Tuesday....well, let's not go there.
But, let's talk journaling. It may be the writer in me, but I just can't let go....most of my layouts feature computer journaling with a nice, narrative form, complete sentences, you know the drill. I can't seem to locate my Inner Joyce (Yes she said the font is lovely yes she said yes) or even my Inner Hemingway. (Sentences. Very. Short. Pass. Me. A. Drink.)
But the hot trend in Scrapbookin' style is coming from the freewheeling Art Journal ladies like Tia Bennett
or Elsie Flannigan, and all the other {cool} girls are indulging in classes from Art Journal Goddess Shimelle Laine......And my layouts are still bordering on De Stijl. What is a boring old graphic nerd to do?
Well....this is my experiement, done partly in response to the Pub "Scraplift Elsie" challenge. Instead of an out-and-out lift from one of Elsie's layouts, I chose to begin with baby steps and just experimented with handwritten, stream of consciousness journaling.....Maybe next time I'll add in funky doodles and bright ribbon and still stay true to my own style. Anyway, thank you to all these talented and less uptight Art Journal queens for the inspiration. This layout features a photo of my brother (who, I assure you, is a nice-looking and fully functional adult, despite what his toddler appearance may suggest...) and I in 1974. Stylin' kids were we! Journaling is a list of some of our favorite things at the time, from Golden-Age Sesame Street to Richard Scarry books to Free to Be...You and Me! Far Out.

*giggles* can i quote you as a testimonial? i don't think i've ever been called a goddess before. :)
ya know...sometimes the physical helps with the artistic side of letting go. try mixing up the physical side of making a layout and do things so they are not practical...sit on the floor, take a few supplies into another room...that sorta thing. random, i know, but that's kinda part of the deal.
and i love your layout! :)
Elsie and Tia helped me re-connect with my inner funk too. =)
Loving this LO and way to go with the handwriting!!!
Cool post. Groovy page. :)
Girlfriend, you are rockin' with this new exploration. Wow! I am loving this style for you.
I love it. Great job! Shocking tho that your bro then actually had a "nice looking" FAIRLY "functional" (apart from flushing his own diapers) toddler 30 years later!
groovy. i like it. =)
LOVE this! But already *are* one of the cool kids. And a fabulous writer, too.
I think it''s fucking gorgeous.
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