The Vagaries of Home Fashion and Good Sense.
I cannot tell a lie. I am a catalog lover. If Pottery Barn is really just Porn for the materialist, than my inner spoiled brat is a total perv. Yesterday brought their latest missive, sporting about twelve new bedding patterns and thus awakening all sorts of wanton covetousness....but it also gave me pause.
What, in the name of all that is holy, is going on HERE?

I just don't get it.
I mean, I may be a catalog lover, but I am also a book lover. And for the life of me I can not fathom why anyone would shelve their books in the least convenient position possible.
Unless, of course, Pottery Barn is aiming their wares at the customer whose tastes extends beyond just catalogs to the real hardcore stuff that cannot show it's titles in polite society.
Yep. Those HAVE to be Auction catalogs. It's the only possible explanation.
What, in the name of all that is holy, is going on HERE?

I just don't get it.

I mean, I may be a catalog lover, but I am also a book lover. And for the life of me I can not fathom why anyone would shelve their books in the least convenient position possible.
Unless, of course, Pottery Barn is aiming their wares at the customer whose tastes extends beyond just catalogs to the real hardcore stuff that cannot show it's titles in polite society.
Yep. Those HAVE to be Auction catalogs. It's the only possible explanation.
Maybe it's because they want to be surprised when they want to read a book? :oP
You are very observant!! I probably wouldn't have given that a second thought! LOL! All for beauty and intrigue, I guess!! LOL!
Its saying YES, I am an intellect! And oh so absent minded! I can't take the time to organize my books because my brain is so huge! But wait, look closer , they aren't books at all, they are joined together to LOOK like books. Its a secret passage!!! ooooohhhh....
You tickle me. I would have been oooing and awwing over the wood and the construction of the cabinet. Not until MUCH later would I have noticed the lack of book spines facing the right way. If this is the new trend, then I'm going to continue to be old fashion. I like knowing the titles and authors of my personal library.
Excellent observation. Hmmm... who really does store their books that way?
come now, lanus, cannot you see the beautiful nakedness of spineless pagery? does not the wanton canvestry of blank page edges give you reason to sigh with linear pleasure? *sigh*
LOL. this screams PAPERCUT to me, i'm just sayin'.... ;)
And DH thought I was weird -- being upset 'cause they went "arty" so the book bindings do not distract you from admiring the furniture....
Hard core? Give me some of those old Barnes and Noble book catalogues!!
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